
How To Draw A Christmas Bell | Easy Step By Step Guide

How To Draw A Christmas Bell

Hey! It’s all about Christmas. We all are busy with the decoration at our homes. The Christmas bells are one of the common elements of Christmas. From decorating the tree to using them as props, it is used in everything.

The Christmas bells symbolizes the beginning of the season and to proclaim the arrival of the Jesus ort the birth of the Jesus. These bells are also called as Jingle bells. It is said that the noise from this bells scare the evil spirits away.

So let’s learn how to draw Christmas bells. Take out your crayons and begin the ride.

How To Draw A Christmas Bell: Easy Step By Step Instructions

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Step 1

First, make a bow. You can make two triangles facing each other. Then, make a circular shape in the middle of the triangles. Erase all the excess lines and curve all the edges. Add any patterns you want to add.

Here I have made some stripes on the bow. After the bow, move on to the ribbons. Start a line from the lower end of the bow and stretch it down.

How To Draw A Christmas Bell Step 1

Step 2

Now make a rectangular shape with the line drawn previously. Make another similar one from the other end of the bow. Make the ends rounded.

How To Draw A Christmas Bell Step 2

Step 3

Add some patterns on the ribbon too. I did some stripes, like in the bow. When you are done, you will be left with a similar picture.

Now in this step, as we have completed the bow, we will move on to the bells.

How To Draw A Christmas Bell Step 3

Step 4

Before making the bells make some leaves. To make the leaves, make some rounded shapes clustered with each other.

How To Draw A Christmas Bell Step 4

Step 5

In a similar process, make some more leaves on the other end.

How To Draw A Christmas Bell Step 5

Step 6

Now make some leaves in the center. Make sure all the leaves are not identical.

How To Draw A Christmas Bell Step 6

Step 7

Now, to make the bells, start making a triangular shape. Don’t complete the shape. Just draw three lines adjacently.

Take the picture below as a visual guide.

How To Draw A Christmas Bell Step 7

Step 8

Next, make a half circle right under the horizontal line. This is to show the ball of the bell.

How To Draw A Christmas Bell Step 8

Step 9

Now, in the same procedure, make another bell.

These are usually put on the doorways to decorate or at the top of the trees.

How To Draw A Christmas Bell Step 9

Step 10

Now to make it pop, add some designs. You can add any pattern or doddles you want.

First, make it into several sections. Then add different patterns in them.

How To Draw A Christmas Bell Step 10

Step 11

Once you are done, finish the drawing with some details. Add a few lines and curves on the leaves and the bells.

After you finish, you’ll find a similar picture as the sample attached below.

How To Draw A Christmas Bell Step 11

Step 12

Finally, it’s time to color. Take out some of the brightest colors.

Firstly, take a bright shade of green and color the leaves. Then with a darker shade of green color, the edges and curves.

Next, with a bright color, I have used pink color the bow. And with a combining color, here I have taken yellow color the patterns on it. Then, color the bells in various colors. Use a different color for different sections. Lastly, outline everything with a black marker.

And there you go! Be sure to be creative and add some flavors to it.

How To Draw A Christmas Bell Step 12

A Christmas Bell Coloring Page

A Christmas Bell Coloring Page

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