
How To Draw A Cartoon Turkey: Easy Step By Step Guide

Turkeys are a large species of birds, mostly native to the North American continent. They can fly, swim and run at considerable speed. Turkeys are kept on farms and even raised as house pets. They make great pets with their gentle approach and incredible loyalty towards their owners or families.

Dealing with turkeys tends to inflict emotional connections to them as they are quite loving and cute as pet birds. Several areas feast on the majestic bird, especially on the Thanksgiving Day, which marks a celebratory meal on the special holiday.

If you love the bird Turkey, you can learn about how they live and their eating habits to know more, but you can also draw one using a few, simple steps, Drawing a turkey can sound a bit hard or overwhelming, but once you follow the below-listed steps in their sequential order, you can easily draw one.

This guide has the procedure of drawing a turkey simplified in just 17 easy steps. Follow each step and you can get your own Turkey drawing, perfect for decorating your walls or making cards and crafts. Add colors after you finish drawing the outlines to get more realistic and vibrant drawing results.


How To Draw A Cartoon Turkey

How To Draw A Turkey: Easy Step By Step Instructions

Before you begin with your drawing, make sure you have accumulated everything from the following list of things that are required to draw the Turkey. You shall need:

  • A pencil
  • An Eraser
  • A Drawing Sheet, preferably white
  • A sharper (if needed)
  • A ruler (if needed)
  • A black pen
  • Pencil colors or pastels.

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How To Draw A Cartoon Turkey Step 1

Step 1:

Draw an inverted U with curvy lines, keeping one side a bit longer than he other one. Tray to make it deep and thin.


How To Draw A Cartoon Turkey Step 2

Step 2:

Add 4 more U shaped structures below the previous structure and overlap each with one another. You can try to resemble the toes of your feet while adding these 4 U shapes. Make the shapes wavy and uneven up to certain limits.


How To Draw A Cartoon Turkey Step 3

Step 3:

Add another U to the left arm of the inverted structure, and join the top of the limbs by stretching the ends a bit to the right before joining them. It looks like a tiny banana outline once you have perfected it. Next, add two wavy lines enclosing each other on the other hand of the inverted U, resembling a semicircle joined to a wave.


How To Draw A Cartoon Turkey Step 4

Step 4:

Draw two oval shapes on the outlines made in the previous step, adding a dot inside each shape. This makes it look like the eye of the Turkey. Add another curved line with a corner poking out from it, which forms the Turkey’s jaw.

Draw a rounded shape with waves and add a line in the middle to create the tongue of a smiling Turkey animation. Add more curvy lines on the top to resemble eyebrows. This completes the basic outlining of the Turkey’s head.


How To Draw A Cartoon Turkey Step 5

Step 5:

Add a curvy line along the structure of the head, followed by an inverted W like shape. Try to keep the lines wavy with circular ends for a better result.


How To Draw A Cartoon Turkey Step 6

Step 6:

Join the lines from the above step with a long curve that goes up to the middle of the Turkey’s body outline. Add a Tulip like structure in an inverted angle beside this line.


How To Draw A Cartoon Turkey Step 7

Step 7:

Make a half circle using the previous curvy line as its part to draw the Turkey’s body. Add smaller curves below, alongside more U shapes in different angles, to form the legs of the Turkey. Always use the pencil softly on your sheet in case you need to erase any mistakes without leaving pencil traces.


How To Draw A Cartoon Turkey Step 8

Step 8:

Then, you need to draw two lines from the first leg. You can use a ruler to make a straight line and later, draw a wavy line mapping through the straight ones. Add curvy structures to make the leg, followed by drawing some wavy triangles to represent the claw nails of the Turkey.

How To Draw A Cartoon Turkey Step 9

Step 9:

Repeat the same on the second leg and add more lines to make details.


How To Draw A Cartoon Turkey Step 10

Step 10:

Draw more wavy U shapes below the previous ones, and add a flower like structure on the right to depict the Turkey’s wings.


How To Draw A Cartoon Turkey Step 11

Step 11:

Make a cartoony hand using some more curvy lines and u shapes, placing them accordingly by using the above picture as a reference. Once you have followed the steps clearly, your Turkey arms are formed.


How To Draw A Cartoon Turkey Step 12

Step 12:

Add another inclined U shape over the left outline to structure the bird’s tail.


How To Draw A Cartoon Turkey Step 13

Step 13:

Repeat the previous step but try to form a different sized U to make the drawing of the tail feathers look more realistic.


How To Draw A Cartoon Turkey Step 14

Step 14:

Add more U shapes unless you form a complete Turkey tail with 5 feather lines.


How To Draw A Cartoon Turkey Step 15

Step 15:

Draw more curvy lines on the tail to add further details in it.


How To Draw A Cartoon Turkey Step 16

Step 16:

More U shapes need to be drawn over the body of the bird to resemble animated feathers. With this step, your Turkey is ready in outlines and only needs colors to complete the look.


How To Draw A Cartoon Turkey Step 17

Step 17:

Color the drawing using shades of brown, yellow, red, beige and white. Place them in their respective places, taking guidance from this picture and you shall be successfully able to visualize a Turkey in your completed drawing.

A Cartoon Turkey Coloring Page

A Cartoon Turkey Coloring Page

Download “A Cartoon Turkey Coloring Page” A-Cartoon-Turkey-Coloring-Page.pdf – Downloaded 284 times – 131.34 KB


From making Thanksgiving cards to simple drawing practice, this guide can help you clearly to draw a Turkey using its uncomplicated instructive approach. Try the above steps in their sequence and after finishing the outline of the bird, you can color it using crayons, pencils or pastels.

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